MHQP Surveying MassHealth Members About Their Patient Experiences of Care
(May 2023)
MHQP is pleased to announce that we have again been selected by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as its vendor to survey members of MassHealth, the state’s Medicaid program, about their experiences of care. MHQP completed a five-year contract for this work in 2022. In 2023, MHQP will continue to survey MassHealth members and anticipates fielding surveys from May through August, with results available to EOHHS in the late Fall.
As in prior years, the surveys focus on MassHealth members participating in the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and Community Partners (CP) programs who receive care and services from providers in three areas: Primary Care, Behavioral Health, and Long-Term Services and Supports. The data collected from these surveys will enable the state to assess its members’ patient experiences as it continues to support MassHealth programs toward integrated, outcomes-based care.
“We are pleased that EOHHS has once again entrusted MHQP with this critical assignment,” said MHQP’s President and CEO Barbra Rabson. “Most importantly, we are honored to be playing a role in capturing the experiences of MassHealth patients and elevating their voices so that care experiences can continue to improve for all patients in Massachusetts.”